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Romans 1:16 - I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

Domain Names

Domain Name Prices

The price for registering your domain name with mickwood.com depends on two factors:-

  1. The TLD (& SLD if applicable)
  2. The length of the registration

NOTE: There is also a tabular version of these prices.

NOTE: Domains may be renewed at the end of each registration period.

Group 1

".co.uk", ".org.uk", ".me.uk" ,".ltd.uk", ".plc.uk" & ".uk" domain names may now be registered for between 1 and 10 years but mickwood.com will only sell these domains for a minimum period of two years.

Register for 2 years at £40.00.

Register for 5 years at £95 - this includes a £5 discount.

Register for 10 years at £180 - this includes a £20 discount.

Group 2

".com", ".org", ".net", ".info" &".biz" domain names may be registered for between 1 and 10 years.

Prices are dependent on the length of the registration period.

Register for either 1 or 2 years at £25.00 per year.

Register for 5 years at £115 - this includes a £10 discount.

Register for 10 years at £225 - this includes a £25 discount.

Group 3

The registration period and prices for Generic Top Level Domains is extremely varied. Please email mick@mickwood.com if you are interested in a gTLD and we will advice of the cost and registration period options.

IPS Tag Transfers

If you wish to change your registrar from mickwood.com to another registrar there is a 'one-off' administration charge of £25.

Domain Name Links

Google Domains BETA
Online Domain Name search tool.

Online Domain Name availability checker.

Nominet UK
Registry for .uk internet names.

A not-for-profit partnership of people from all over the world dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable.

Information regarding Internet Domain Name Registration Services.

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