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Isaiah 55:8 - "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.

Domain Names

Domain Name Prices

The price for registering your domain name with mickwood.com depends on two factors:-

  1. The TLD (& SLD if applicable)
  2. The length of the registration

NOTE: There is also a tabular version of these prices.

NOTE: Domains may be renewed at the end of each registration period.

Group 1

".co.uk", ".org.uk", ".me.uk" ,".ltd.uk", ".plc.uk" & ".uk" domain names may now be registered for between 1 and 10 years but mickwood.com will only sell these domains for a minimum period of two years.

Register for 2 years at £40.00.

Register for 5 years at £95 - this includes a £5 discount.

Register for 10 years at £180 - this includes a £20 discount.

Group 2

".com", ".org", ".net", ".info" &".biz" domain names may be registered for between 1 and 10 years.

Prices are dependent on the length of the registration period.

Register for either 1 or 2 years at £25.00 per year.

Register for 5 years at £115 - this includes a £10 discount.

Register for 10 years at £225 - this includes a £25 discount.

Group 3

The registration period and prices for Generic Top Level Domains is extremely varied. Please email mick@mickwood.com if you are interested in a gTLD and we will advice of the cost and registration period options.

IPS Tag Transfers

If you wish to change your registrar from mickwood.com to another registrar there is a 'one-off' administration charge of £25.

Domain Name Links

Google Domains BETA
Online Domain Name search tool.

Online Domain Name availability checker.

Nominet UK
Registry for .uk internet names.

A not-for-profit partnership of people from all over the world dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable.

Information regarding Internet Domain Name Registration Services.

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