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1 Peter 3:15 - Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,
Website Design Homepage

Web Design


A background should enhance your site not overpower it – don’t let it detract from the content.

  • don’t use brightly coloured backgrounds that make it difficult to read your text
  • remember that sound files in the background will impact on the loading time of your site as they are often big in size
  • if you use a sound file in the background of your page give the user the option to turn it off
  • some browsers don’t recognise background images in tables and cells so don’t use this method
  • don’t use large images as backgrounds to your pages – get your message across with another technique

Remember to check out the World's Worst Website which was a deliberately bad website designed to graphically demonstrate the most common mistakes made by new Web Page designers.

World's Worst website

Website Design Links

Learn Web Design & Development with SitePoint tutorials, courses and books.

Jakob Nielson
Jakob Nielsen is a Danish web usability consultant. He writes a fortnightly newsletter, Alertbox, on web design matters and has published several books on the subject of web design.

How to Design A Web Pag
Learn how to successfully design your own web page by focusing on the way your end users interact with your content.

The World's Worst Website
Just for fun a deliberately bad website designed to graphically demonstrate the most common mistakes made by new Web Page designers.

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