What might Christians be looking for when they visit your
Christians new to, or visiting, your town will probably be
looking for the same information as the Non-Christian information
but existing members of your
organisation will want much more:
- What mission opportunities are there?
- When is the next prayer
- Who is speaking next Sunday?
- Can I find read or listen to
sermons online?
- Can I contact fellow members through the site?
- When is it
my turn in Sunday school?
Your site could have the following:
- details of your most recent projects and achievements
plus any upcoming programs
- days and times of meetings other
than basic Sunday services
- online sermons
- chat rooms, newsgroups
- games for kids
- features on current issues (health, sport,
politics) from a Christian point of view
- music to download
Any information must be frequently updated to give your members
a reason to keep coming back. If one of your ‘future events’ happened
last week – your members will be unlikely to visit again.