The most important thing is to make people feel welcome. Never use Christian-jargon - it will scare off people
who are not yet Christians. Write in a style that suits everyone - don’t
preach at your visitors
What might non-Christians be looking for when they visit
your site?
Try to encourage
your visitors to find out the answers to these questions.
- What exactly is a Christian? Outline your beliefs in non-preachy, everyday language
- What are the days and times of your meetings?
- How do I get to your church or organisation?
- Is there a map of, or directions to, the church?
- Will I feel like an outsider if I visit you?
- What facilities are there? (e.g. creche, refreshments)
- Provide testimonies from your existing members – show
what your church has done for them
- Tell visitors what makes your church different
- Show a few pictures of your church and its members – give
potential visitors a ‘feel’ for the place
- Pprovide
contact details including your address, telephone number
and email address