You can send and receive email using a web browser through the webmail interface. The webmail interface can be accessed by logging into
Make sure to replace "" with your domain name.
2. How can I filter, route, or block email messages?
You can use email filters to send messages to certain places depending on their content. You can use filters to sort mail between business and pleasure, to delete unwanted mail, or to sort mail in another manner.
Creating an Email Filter
Click on the Create a New Filter button in the "Email Filters" section of your webmail program options.
Type is a suitable name for your filter.
The first setting is the "Rules" definition. Two drop down menus and a text box will be available. The first drop down menu contains the following information:
Rules Options 1
Any Header
Select one of the above options from the "Options 1" drop down menu. This option will be used to specify the actual components of email to filter.
The second drop down menu includes the following:
Rules Options 2
matches regex
begins with
Select one of the above options from the "Options 2" drop down menu. This option will be used to specify how you want to filter the actual components of email.
Filter Text
The text box that follows the first two drop down menus should include the word or key word you want to use when filtering email. Enter your filter in the text box.
The next option is the "Actions" or location of where the filtered email should be sent. See the example below:
EXAMPLE: "Discard Message", "|/home/user/" or "" (without quotes).
Click on the Create button.
You will see the following statement: "You have successfully created a new filter. You can create another one now, or you can return to the filters list."
If you return to the filters list you cn see a list of your Current Filters (which you can edit and / or delete) and also run a Filter Test.
3. How do I change my Webmail password in cPanel?
Navigate to Email Accounts in cPanel.
Find the email account you want to change the password for in the "Email Accounts" list.
Select the Password and Authentication option from the list of Actions on the right.
Enter the new password in the "Password" text box.
Re-enter the new password in the "Password (Again)" text box.
Click on the Change Password button.
A confirmation statement will be shown.
4. What is my POP3/IMAP(incoming) and SMTP(outgoing) mail host address?
Your POP3/IMAP(incoming) and SMTP(outgoing) mail host address is:
Make sure to replace "" with the domain of your web site.
5. How do I set up a 'catch-all' email account?
The default email address (catch-all) will "catch" any mail that is sent to an invalid email address for your domain. All mail that is sent to an address that does not exist will go to the default email address.
This document shows you how to set the default address with the following options:
Forward to an email address
Discard (Delete Emails)
Discard (with error to sender)
Pipe to a program
Setting Up the Default Email (Catch-All) Options
The first option is to "Send all unrouted e-mail for" a particular domain. Choose the domain you want to setup the "catch-all" email from the drop down menu.
Then choose one of the following options: Click on the Change button.
Forward to an email address - Click on this option to forward all mail that is sent to an invalid email address to a particular email address that you choose. Then enter the email address you want the "catch-all" or default email to go to in the "Forward to email address" text box.
Discard (Not Recommended) - Select this option to have the system discard or delete all mail that is sent to an invalid email address. This option is not recommended as you may delete important email.
Discard with error to sender (at SMTP time) - Select this option to have the system discard or delete all mail that is sent to an invalid email address. An error email message that you specify will be sent to the sender of the email. Enter the error message you want the sender to see in the "Failure Message" (seen by sender) text box.
Pipe to a program - Select this option to have the system send all invalid mail to that program or script on your server. Enter the path to the program or script in the text box.
You will see a confirmation message based on the option you chose in Step 2 above.
6. How do I set up a mailing list?
A mailing list can simplify sending messages to a large group of people. You can add a group of email addresses to a mailing list to avoid typing in those addresses each time a mailing is sent. This can be very useful when sending newsletters or other updates to large groups of people.
7. How do I use the Spam Filters tool? (formerly called Spam Assassin)
The video below will walk you through the steps.
8. How do I set up an Auto Responder?
Auto Responders allow you to send an automatic response to anyone who sends an email your email account. When an email is sent to your account, the response that you have created will be sent back to the person who send you the email. This feature will not prevent your email from being delivered. This feature can be useful for informing customers that you are on vacation, or providing useful information when a customer submits a question or order.
This can be useful for times when you are on vacation or unavailable, or if you have a generic message that you wish to send for a support email address.
Click on the Add Auto-Responder button.
Set the following:
E-mail - Enter the username of the email address you are using to create an auto-responder. Then select the domain for the associated email address from the drop down menu.
From - Enter the "From" email address in the "From" text box.
Subject - Enter the subject of the auto-responder in the "Subject" text box.
Character Set - Select the character set you want to use from the "Character Set" drop down menu.
HTML Message - If you want the auto-responder to be sent as HTML, click on the "HTML Message" check box.
Body - Enter the text/html of your auto-responder in the "Body" text box.
NOTE: You also have the option to use any of the following variables in your email "Body" text area box for both Plain Text and HTML email:
%subject% - The subject of the message that was sent to the autoresponder.
%from% - The sender of the message that was sent to the autoresponder.
%email% - The sender's email from the message that was sent to the autoresponder.
Click on the Create/Modify button.
9. How do I setup an email forwarder for an individual email account?
Forwarders allow you to send a copy of all mail from one email address to another. For example, if you have two different email accounts and, you could forward to so you do not need to check both accounts. Note that the mail for a forwarded email address will still be delivered to that address as well.
When the page loads you will see the "Email Account Forwaders" table consisting of three columns (Note: The following information will only be available if you have created an email forwarder):
Address - This entry contains the email address being forwarded.
Forward To - This entry contains the email address the "Address" above is being forwaded to.
Functions - The functions column provides the following options:
Trace - You can trace a forwarder by clicking on the Trace link.
Delete - You can delete a forwarder by clicking on the Delete link.
Adding An Email Forwarder
To add an Email Forwarder, click on the Add Forwarder button.
Enter the email address username you want to forward in the "Address to Forward" text box.
Select the domain associated with the email address username from the drop down menu.
Enter the email address where you want the email to be forwarded to in the "Forward to email address" text box.
NOTE: You can also choose from one of the three other options instead of using the "Forward to email address" feature.
Discard - This feature will automatically delete the email, but is not recommended.
Discard with error to sender - This feature will delete the email and send the sender an email message. If you choose this option, enter the message you want the user to see in the "Failure Message (seen by sender)" text box.
Pipe to a Program - If you want the email message to be sent to a program on your server, enter the path and filename of the script or program you want the email to be sent to in the "Pipe to a Program" text box.
Once you make your selection, move on to Step 5 below.
Click on the Add Forwarderbutton.
You should see the following:
"All email sent to EMAIL_ADDRESS_BEING_FORWARDED will now be redirected to FORWARDED_TO_EMAIL_ADDRESS"
10. How do I setup an email forwarder for an entire domain?
Forwarding a domain's email will override the default address for that domain.
When the page loads you will see the "Email Domain Forwaders" table consisting of three columns (Note: The following information will only be available if you have created an email forwarder):
Domain - This entry contains the domain being forwarded.
Forward To - This entry contains the domain the "Domain" above is being forwaded to.
Delete - You can delete a forwarder by clicking on the "x in a circle" icon.
Adding A Domain Forwarder
To add an Email Forwarder, click on the Add Domain Forwarder button.
Select the domain you want to forward from the drop down menu.
Enter the domain you want this domain to be forwarded to in the text box.
Click on the Add Domain Forwarder button.
You should see the following:Click on the Add Forwarder button.
"All email sent to DOMAIN_BEING_FORWARDED will now be redirected to FORWARDED_TO_DOMAIN"
You should see the following:
"All email sent to EMAIL_ADDRESS_BEING_FORWARDED will now be redirected to FORWARDED_TO_EMAIL_ADDRESS"
11. How do I add an email address to my Whitelist?
To mark an email as valid just use assp-white@ for WhiteList additions.
How to use it
Send a message to (replace with your real domain name) with the email address that you wish to whitelist in the BCC field or in the body of the message (one per line). Note that no email will be delivered to any address except
If you wanted to add all the addresses in your address book to the whitelist, create a message to and then add your entire address book to the BCC part of the message or in the body of the message (one per line) and click send. Note that no mail will be delivered to any address except (and that won't actually be passed to your mail transport). Within a short time you'll receive a response from ASSP showing the results of your message.
So for Netflix you could send an email to to:
In the body of the email simply put in '' on one line.
The server would then WhiteList this email sender for you.
12. How do I mark an email identified as spam as not spam?
If you just want to tell the mail server that an email diverted to the spam folder it was not spam you use 'assp-notspam@' to report legitimate messages that were determined to be spam.
How to use it
Forward the message to (replace with your real domain name).
As an example I would open up the good email in my spam folder and forward it to '' and the server will learn that this type of email is good.